Intelligence Officer – Cyber Upstream Intelligence (CUI) – National Cyber Crime Unit

For London based roles your contractual place of work will be Stratford. However, as that site will not be operational until early 2025 in the interim period you will be required to carry out your contractual duties from Vauxhall, or such other reasonable location, on a temporary basis. For the avoidance of doubt as your contractual place of work is Stratford, the move from any temporary place of work will not give rise to any entitlement to payments for travel time or costs under the Relocation and Excess Travel Policy.

Job summary

The National Cyber Crime Unit (NCCU) leads the UK law enforcement operational response to the global threat of cyber crime.

At the NCCU, we work with a multitude of UK and international partners responding to the most critical cyber incidents, as well as pursuing longer term activity against the most harmful organised crime groups and their enablers.

The NCCU Cyber Upstream Intelligence (CUI) team is the NCCU’s Top Secret STRAP, all-source intelligence team that uses analysis and intelligence partnerships to target elite overseas cyber threat actors impacting the UK.

The CUI works daily with partners across UKIC, Whitehall, National Cyber Crime Network, Five Eyes and international partners from around the world to combat major, overseas SOC and NS cyber crime threats to the UK.

***To be considered, you will need to successfully complete DV clearance on entry and achieve DV STRAP whilst in post. Applicants must be willing to undergo DV clearance and STRAP induction and be full UK Nationals or Dual Nationals, of whom one component is British may be considered on a case by case basis.***

Job description

CUI Intelligence Officers are required to exploit a full range of sensitive intelligence capabilities, combining intelligence aptly in an all-source environment to provide a comprehensive intelligence picture of the upstream cyber criminal threat to the UK, and to generate opportunities for both criminal justice outcomes and non-traditional disruptions against the most prolific cyber criminals and their key enablers.

The CUI is an environment where a creative and motivated individual can thrive as it requires use of the full spectrum of responses available to law enforcement including arrest, asset denial and seizure, cryptocurrency freezing, implementation of policy tools, international collaboration and more – these are all required to combat elite overseas cyber criminals and their key enablers.

Combatting cutting edge cyber crime threats and the criminal ecosystems that enable them requires dedicated Intelligence Officers who are given the knowledge and tools to succeed. The CUI is seeking proactive individuals with the drive to continuously develop their skills, experience and the capabilities of the NCCU and NCA.

An awareness of cyber crime threats to the UK is desirable but not essential, the willingness to learn is the key requirement. A good track record of developing tactical and strategic intelligence products, communicating risk and opportunity, and the ability to build mutually beneficial relationships with partners would be beneficial.

Person specification


  • Lead on cyber-crime intelligence development, building high quality intelligence packages that draw on a broad range of intelligence sources.
  • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders and support development of relationships with the National Cyber Crime Network, UKIC, HMG and other NCA teams.
  • Develop subject matter expertise in elite upstream cyber threat actors impacting the UK and FVEY partners.
  • Identify opportunities for disruption operations which draw on both law enforcement and intelligence community capabilities.
  • Contribute to an inclusive and innovative team culture that embraces new ways of working to deliver operational success.


The following qualifications/skills are essential to the role and proof will be required at interview:

IPP Intelligence Officer accreditation OR working towards accreditation (Non IOTP), OR equivalent experience gained from previously performing Intelligence Officer  functions.

Please ensure the dates of any accreditations you are relying on, are entered on to the CV.
Should you progress to the assessment stage of the process, you will be required to provide a copy of the original certificate.
Failure to provide evidence at interview may result in your application not progressing to the next stage.


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Delivering at Pace
  • Working Together

Technical skills

We’ll assess you against these technical skills during the selection process:

  • Confident researching, gathering and assessing information from a wide range of sources, creating and disseminating intelligence products.
  • Confident managing security, confidentiality and risk when conducting external intelligence research.
  • Good knowledge of data management and legislation within a law enforcement context.
Alongside your salary of £34,672, National Crime Agency contributes £9,361 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

Whatever your role, we take your career and development seriously, and want to enable you to build a really successful career with the Agency and wider Civil Service.

If you are an active police pension member immediately prior to joining the NCA, you can continue your membership throughout your employment with us as if you were a serving police officer. If you do remain an active member and subsequently return to a police force, you should be able to continue your membership there too.

All officers in the NCA are members of the UK Civil Service. You will be eligible for:

  • Civil Service pension scheme
  • 26 days annual leave rising to 31 on completion of 5 years continuous service
  • Training and development opportunities
  • Cycle2work scheme

We take the welfare of NCA officers very seriously. All staff have access to Occupational Health services and there are a number of staff representative groups. We also have a range of sporting and other activities on offer.

We can provide flexible working arrangements if the role in question is suitable. These include flexi-time, job sharing and compressed hours (working contracted hours over a shorter period).

Intelligence Researcher (Ref: 80852)

This position is based at EAST OF ENGLAND ROM OFFICE PETERBOROUGH, PE7 8GX, HM Prison Gartree, LE16 7RP

Job summary

Please refer to Job Description

Job description

We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit:

This vacancy may be offered on a permanent, fixed term, loan or secondment basis

Overview of the job    

•    The Researcher will support the Intelligence Analysts in developing the intelligence picture on a range of threats and risks impacting on their geographic or thematic area. Intelligence assessments will look across prison and probation contexts at ‘high priority’ offenders, offending groups and operational security vulnerabilities in their area.
•    The post holder will obtain, evaluate, prepare and supply information for the Intelligence Analysts, in line with priorities for the Intelligence Unit. They will also disseminate the intelligence product in compliance with relevant legislation, codes of practice, standards, procedures and guidelines.
•    The post holder will report to an Intelligence Analyst in the Units. The post is a flexible resource within the function and the post holder may be asked to undertake work for another Unit to respond to changes in priorities.
•    This post is based in a regional Hub of the Security, Order and Counter Terrorism Directorate. Whilst the post has a ‘base’, occasional travel to HMPPS headquarters, prison establishments, prison regional offices and National Probation Service Division offices as well as law enforcement partners’ offices may be required.


•    This is a key support role in the intelligence analytical function. The post holder will be expected to provide high quality intelligence research to the Intelligence Analysts.
•    The post holder will need to obtain and work with large volumes of information in both written and numeric form, some of which will be held in bespoke databases. They should be confident in organising information, using software where appropriate to do this. They will also require strong numerical and written skills and an eye for detail so that information is presented accurately.
•    The post holder will need to build productive relationships with a range of internal and external partners in order to obtain relevant information when it is needed and manage and respond to expectations of intelligence customers.
•    The post holder will also require strong administrative skills and the ability to manage and prioritise their own workload.
•    The post has no operational requirement. However an understanding of prisons, probation and/or law enforcement operating environment would be an advantage.
•    The post holder must act with the highest levels of personal and professional integrity and champion these qualities in others. They must be vetted to Security Check (SC) standards.

Responsibilities, Activities and Duties    

The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:

•    Obtain and evaluate information relevant to intelligence questions from a range of sources, in line with a collection plan agreed with the Intelligence Analyst. This may include, for example: interrogating HMPPS’ databases (e.g. Delius, NOMIS, OaSys, Mercury intelligence system); researching ‘open source’ information; obtaining HMPPS’ performance data; identifying relevant research (including HMPPS’, wider government and academic sources); seeking expert opinion; and information held by partner agencies.
•    Prepare and supply information to the intelligence analyst. This will require organising information, using software where appropriate. Activities may include, for example: cross-referencing data sets; producing graphs, tables and charts; writing summaries of source documents; providing extracts of databases; and recording meetings/interviews.
•    Establish and maintain a catalogue of source information relevant to intelligence questions.
•    Maintain a catalogue of intelligence products and a database of intelligence customers. Disseminate intelligence products in line with handling requirements and in compliance with relevant legislation, codes of practice, standards, procedures and guidelines.
•    Identify and pursue opportunities to enhance the intelligence picture by seeking new sources of information and maintaining good working relationships with internal and external partners who can supply information.
•    Handle all information and intelligence in line with HMPPS’ policies, and relevant legislation.
•    Take an active role in HMPPS’ intelligence analyst community, supporting own and colleagues’ professional development.

The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and is not intended to be exhaustive. The job holder is expected to accept reasonable alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation Scheme and shall be discussed in the first instance with the job holder.

Person specification

Please refer to Job Description


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Delivering at Pace
  • Making Effective Decisions
  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Working Together
Alongside your salary of £25,752, HM Prison & Probation Service contributes £6,978 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.
  • Access to learning and development
  • A working environment that supports a range of flexible working options to enhance your work life balance
  • A working culture which encourages inclusion and diversity
  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Annual Leave
  • Public Holidays
  • Season Ticket Advance

For more information about the recruitment process, benefits and allowances and answers to general queries, please click the below link which will direct you to our Candidate Information Page.


Proactive Intelligence Officer – London and South East (Ref: 81100)

These positions are based at Southern House, Croydon, CR0 1XG

Job summary

Please refer to Job Description

Job description

We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit:

Job Title:  Proactive Intelligence Officer

Directorate:  SOCT

Band:  4

Overview of the job

The job holder will act as a remote CHIS handler, supporting the establishment based handlers and will provide support to Directed Surveillance and other technical collection operations by reviewing visual and/or audio footage. The job holder is responsible for assisting and advising establishment handlers in the handling of Covert Human Intelligence Sources (CHIS) within their relevant Prison Establishments.

The job holder will work within the National Intelligence Unit, SOCT. This is a regionally based role.

This is a non-operational role which can be carried out by an operational or non- operational member of staff.

The job holder will have no line management responsibility.


The job holder provides support to establishments by providing a remote CHIS handler capability for prisons. In addition, they will provide support to Directed Surveillance/technical collection operations.

This includes drafting and submitting paperwork and logs appropriately in accordance with the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, its associated Codes of Practice and HMPPS policy.

The job holder will liaise with and assist establishment controllers and handlers to ensure that applications, reviews and renewals demonstrate and contain the justification and lawful basis underpinning such activity.

The job holder will be required to liaise with the HMPPS Central Authorities Bureau and brief the relevant HMPPS Controller on such activity to ensure that authorities are in place where appropriate. This liaison will most often take place in conjunction with the regional Proactive Intelligence lead or manager.

The job holder will recognise the sensitivities around undertaking HMPPS and law enforcement covert activity in a prison environment and be able to liaise with LEA/Police partners particularly in relation to the use of CHIS and surveillance within Prisons.

The job holder will also be responsible for proactive CHIS recruitment campaigns across their region and will be required to provide a 24/7 on call function for urgent RIPA related issues.
Responsibilities, Activities and Duties

The job holder will be required to carry out the following responsibilities, activities and duties:

  • Proactively recruit, develop, handle and task Covert Human Intelligence Sources to address the tactical and strategic intelligence requirement of prisons in their region.
  • Act as a remote handler responsible for the day to day activity of the CHIS. Regular CHIS contact will include providing security and welfare advice, providing tasking to and receiving information from the source. Ensure the CHIS terms and conditions of use are adhered to.
  • Review products collected via technical collection operations in accordance with RIPA, Codes of Practice and HMPPS policy.
  • Act as tactical adviser and advising staff on how to maintain a professional relationship with the source.
  • Advise and assist establishment staff to ensure that risk assessments and risk management plans for RIPA authorities are comprehensive, relevant and up to date.
  • Ensure that all CHIS meetings/contacts are properly authorised and that appropriate authorisations for use and conduct are in place.
  • Ensure the timely and accurate reporting of all information supplied by the CHIS or acquired through technical collection operations.
  • Advise establishment staff to ensure that the welfare of the source is properly considered and reported on.
  • Advise and ensure that sanitisation of intelligence from CHIS and technical collection operations is managed appropriately with appropriate evaluation codes and handling conditions attached, this will involve frequent discussions with establishment security governors and handlers to agree the operational response flowing from RIPA related intelligence strands.
  • Immediately report (to the Controller/Regional RIPA Unit Manager) any concerns that the source is acting outwith their remit, assisting establishments in compiling potential breach reports.
  • Continually monitor the potential for exposure and in particular, any liability issues that may accrue for HMPPS.
  • Maintain liaison with the other key stakeholders in supporting collaborative working on covert work within prisons, establishing mutually beneficial working relationships with LEA, CT and Crime based Prison Dedicated Source Units.
  • Attend intelligence tasking meetings to identify new/emerging intelligence requirements and tasking opportunities.
  • Contribute to CHIS status drift registers to identify CHIS recruitment opportunities and ensure that the initial Risk Assessment Process is applied consistently and appropriately.

The duties/responsibilities listed above describe the post as it is at present and is not intended to be exhaustive. The job holder is expected to accept reasonable alterations and additional tasks of a similar level that may be necessary. Significant adjustments may require re-examination under the Job Evaluation Scheme and shall be discussed in the first instance with the job holder.

Person specification

Please refer to Job Description


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Seeing the Big Picture
  • Making Effective Decisions
  • Working Together
  • Managing a Quality Service
Alongside your salary of £33,506, HM Prison & Probation Service contributes £9,080 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.
  • Access to learning and development
  • A working environment that supports a range of flexible working options to enhance your work life balance
  • A working culture which encourages inclusion and diversity
  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Annual Leave
  • Public Holidays
  • Season Ticket Advance

For more information about the recruitment process, benefits and allowances and answers to general queries, please click the below link which will direct you to our Candidate Information Page.


Deputy Establishment Security Officer – MOD Main Building

City of Westminster, London (region), SW1A 2HB

Job summary

Head Office provides the Department of State function and political and military strategic direction for the MOD. It is accommodated in Main Building, MOD’s flagship headquarters.

This is an exciting new role within the Director Head Office business area, specifically within the Safety Security and Business Resilience (SSBR) business unit.   Its main role is to oversee the safety, security, and resilience of MOD Main Building, ensuring that staff within MOD Main Building can continue to deliver critical Defence outputs in all foreseeable circumstances.

Working to the Establishment Security Office the incumbent will be responsible for the operational delivery of security advice (physical, personnel and technical) and first line security assurance of MOD Main Building.

A key part to your role you will be responsible for supporting the Establishment Security Officer to deliver and maintain an appropriate security posture for MOD Main Building.  You will provide security advice to Main Building residents on a range of security issues including ensuring compliance with the security protocols for MOD Main Building.  You will work closely with the Private Finance Initiative Contractor to ensure all proposed/reactive works are reviewed to ensure Main Building is able to maintain its security posture.  You will suggest alternate options to reduce security risk where appropriate.  You will deputise for Establishment Security Officer at various security meetings and support the Establishment Security Officer in providing security input to the Incident Management Command Group which takes control in any business continuity incident.  The post holder will act as liaison with various other government departments including the Security and Intelligence Agencies.  You will support the Establishment Security Office in providing advice on physical security associated with the implementation of infrastructure projects within MB and play a key part in ensuring that MOD facilities are used appropriately in several national events including the national act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph. Occasionally you may be involved, as part of the SSBR team, in helping to manage business resilience incidents occurring in Main Building and supporting the Head of Establishment in their broader responsibilities with running the building.   You may be required to provide on call support in this role for which an allowance is payable. 

The role provides significant opportunity to develop stakeholder engagement and leadership skills, commercial and service delivery disciplines, and due to upcoming changes, the ability to shape future development of the team’s approach and outputs.  

This position is advertised at 37 hours per week. 

Job description

Responsibilities include:

–         Provision of proportionate risk-based security advice to the Establishment Security Officer and other key Stakeholders including Head of Establishment and Business Units on Defence personnel, physical security policies.

–         Working alongside the CORPOATE STRAPSO ensuring Head Office complies with its STRAP obligations. 

–         Working with Building Contractors, Defence Infrastructure Organisation and other key stakeholders to ensure any planned works consider the impact on Main Building’s security posture, ensuring proportionate risk mitigation is in place.

–         Be an advocate for good security within Head Office.

–         Support the Establishment Security Officer in improving the provision of Policing and Guarding services for MOD Main Building.

–         Maintenance of the Head Office Establishment Security Risk Register escalating risks as and when they arise.

–         Support in the development/delivery of a physical security/STRAP assurance regime for MOD Main Building encapsulating a holistic approach to security.

–         Focal point for all requests regarding the use MOD Main Building in support of national events, business unit conferences and visits.

–        Develop and maintain a relationship with the building’s branch security officers promoting good security culture and awareness within Head Office.

Person specification

Essential Criteria

  • Previous experience of working as a unit/local, branch or establishment security officer.
  • Keen analytical skills. Ability to quickly identify and extract key risks, threats or vulnerabilities from a range of data or reports.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills. Ability to tailor and vary communication style to suit the needs of a varied military, civil service and parliamentary audience. Communicate in a clear, concise and confident manner.
  • Ability to remain composed and focus on key issues under pressure.
  • Manage and prioritise workload balancing competing demands. 
  • Practical application of security risk management in Defence, Defence Industry or elsewhere.

Please note STRAP is required for this role.


  • A willingness to learn, develop, adapt and be flexible are key requirements.  
  • Establishment Security Officers Course training and/or certification or other security practitioner training.
  • Working knowledge of Government security policy or Defence Security policies
  • STRAP training and/or certification.
  • UK recognised Information Security training and/or accreditation, ISO 27001/270035 or similar.
  • Knowledge and application of the risk management principles


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Delivering at Pace
  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Changing and Improving
  • Making Effective Decisions
  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Leadership

We only ask for evidence of these behaviours on your application form:

  • Delivering at Pace
  • Communicating and Influencing
Alongside your salary of £35,290, Ministry of Defence contributes £9,528 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.
  • Learning and development tailored to your role
  • An environment with flexible working options
  • A culture encouraging inclusion and diversity
  • Free on site gym
  • On site restaurant and coffee shop
  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Generous annual leave allowance starting at 25 days per year rising to 30 days per annum.

The post does not offer relocation expenses. 

External recruits who join the MOD who are new to the Civil Service will be subject to a six-month probation period. 

Please Note: Expenses incurred for travel to interviews will not be reimbursed.

Please be advised that the Department is conducting a review of all pay related allowances which could impact on those allowances that the post currently being advertised attracts.

Any move to MOD from another employer will mean you can no longer access childcare vouchers. This includes moves between government departments. You may however be eligible for other government schemes, including Tax-Free Childcare. Determine your eligibility at

The Ministry of Defence is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for its staff which includes educating them on the benefits of not smoking, protecting them from the harmful effects of second-hand smoke and supporting those who want to give up smoking. Under the Smoke-Free Working Environment policy, Smoking and the use of all tobacco products (including combustible and chewing tobacco products) will not be permitted anywhere in the Defence working environment however some exemptions are in place, please refer to local guidance. The policy is Whole Force and includes all Defence personnel, contractors, visitors and other non-MOD personnel. All applicants seeking, considering, or accepting employment with the Ministry of Defence should be aware of this policy and that it is already in place at a number of Defence Establishments.

MOD Recruitment Satisfaction Survey – we may contact you regarding your experience to help us improve our customer satisfaction. The survey is voluntary and anonymous. You may however be given the opportunity to provide additional information to help us improve our service which includes the collection of some personal data as defined by the United Kingdom General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR). The MOD Privacy Notice sets out how we will use your personal data and your rights.

** Flow Management Lead – Illegal Migration Operations Command

Belfast Drumkeen House – Bristol Portishead Unit 1 – Cardiff General Buildings – Croydon Apollo House – Durham Freemans Reach – Glasgow Festival Court – Liverpool The Capital – London 2 Marsham Street (2MS) – Manchester Soapworks – Peterborough HM Passport Office Quay House – Sheffield Foundry House – Sheffield Vulcan House – Solihull Sandford House

Job summary

The Home Office is committed to being an inclusive employer with a diverse and representative workforce at all levels. We encourage applications from people from the widest possible diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and experiences.

We would particularly welcome applications from people who are currently under-represented within the Home Office at this grade,

We have a number of varied, challenging and stimulating roles, working in a fast-paced, dynamic environment within the Illegal Migration Operations Command.

The IMOC HQ will be focused in the coming months on the operationalisation of the new Illegal Migration Act (IMA). This is a top priority, which is being led through twice weekly PM committee and will fundamentally alter the way in which the Government tackles illegal migration.

Our work is one of the PM’s top 5 priorities and we will be reporting directly to the Home Secretary and PUS’ on progress. It is a fast-paced working environment, cross-cutting and reaches across several government departments.

The team are co-ordinating the most pressing issues for Ministers and Senior Officials. Examples of current initiatives and interventions that the team are driving forward at pace include:

  • Increasing returns to meet the PM’s commitment of tackling the small boats crisis.
  • Upstream interventions and use of strategic communications and messaging to disrupt and deter future ALB small boat crossings.

Job description

The Flow Management Ops Lead role will lead a newly formed team that has been established to run the Home Office’s Flow Management capability for the Illegal Migration Act.

This capability has been established to regulate the flow of individuals through the entire BF / IE / CS / IMOC HQ system – maximising available capacity and thereby maximising the impact of the Act.

The capability will allow the Home Office to balance resources, avoid bottlenecks and reduce demand failure in real time at key points within the process by making prioritisation decisions. This role will therefore also support the Home Office’s requirement to meet the very specific timeframes stipulated in the IMA, including for persons who are in detention.

The Flow Management Ops Lead will report directly to the Head of Downstream Operations (G6). The Ops Lead role will be responsible for managing a team of eight individuals, comprised of four FMT Coordinator roles and four FMT Operational Liaison roles. The responsibilities of those roles are as follows:

FMT Coordinator – responsible for analysing recent system performance, reviewing real-time demand and capacity MI in the system and making prioritisation decision making for process areas.

FMT Operational Liaison – responsible for briefing encounter channel leads on future day detention target for their channel escalating operational issues arising at key prioritisation points and investigating operational questions raised by the reporting.

Due to the nature of the post this position is only open to full-time members of staff.

Some travel will be required. Travel and subsistence costs will be reimbursed in line with standard Home Office policy.

Hybrid Working

Hybrid working enables employees to work partly in their workplace(s) and partly at home. A hybrid working pattern may be available, where business needs allow. Applicants can discuss what this means with the vacancy holder if they have specific questions.

Person specification

We are looking for a highly organised and enthusiastic candidate with excellent communication skills. These are stretching roles that offer strong potential for career development and is suitable for someone who enjoys fast paced work.

You can expect a mix of fast paced policy work in response to urgent demands for advice from Ministers, working closely with operational colleagues and engagement with stakeholders within and outside government.

You can also expect attention from Ministers and senior officials, both from within the Home Office and external bodies. The role provides an opportunity to work at the forefront of policy delivery in a high-profile and politically sensitive environment.

The key responsibilities of the FMT Ops Lead role are as follows:

  • Approving key FMT prioritisation decisions in line with the Flow Management Delegation of Authority (DoA) and principles of the National Decision Making (NDM) model.
  • Making dynamic risk assessments around the implications of prioritisation decisions on the end-to-end relocation service model.
  • Escalating prioritisation decisions to senior staff where necessary.
  • Reviewing reports relating to the performance of the end-to-end relocation service model and overseeing its performance in real-time through other performance management mechanisms.
  • Briefing senior staff on the performance of the system.
  • Making strategic recommendations to other parts of the HO based on system performance.
  • Engaging with Corporate enablers to make any required changes to the system.
  • Escalating issues identified with the performance of the system to appropriate stakeholders and enablers where required.
  • Defining ways of working within the FM team and establishing an operating model.
  • Rostering staff and allocating workload within the FM team.

Essential criteria

  • An ability to manage an analytical and caseflow / workflow management team.
  • An ability to allocate workload and deploy team members on a proportional basis.
  • Comfort in advising and briefing Director level staff, both within the IMOC HQ and across the Home Office.
  • Operational experience from at least one operational area related to the end-to-end system.
  • Experience or intent to understand the dynamics of the end-to-end system and to optimise the performance of it.

Desirable criteria

A demonstrable passion for delivery with the following skills, or strong experience in the following areas, is desirable:

  • Comfort in interpreting diverse and complex data sets.
  • Operational experience from more than one operational area related to the end-to-end system.
  • Experience in an operational liaison role engaging with multiple stakeholders.


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Delivering at Pace
  • Seeing the Big Picture
  • Working Together

We only ask for evidence of these behaviours on your application form:

  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Learning and development tailored to your role
  • An environment with flexible working options
  • A culture encouraging inclusion and diversity
  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%

DIO – Ministry of Defence Guard Service – Security Officer Day Worker

Menwith Hill Station, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG3 2RF

Job summary

Join the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and have a future that matters: Be Proud; Be Challenging: Be Unique.

Job description

The Challenge

Do you want to join the 2021 Government Security team of the year and be part of our Gold Standard security service?

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) provides high quality security services at approximately 100 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. We provide access control, military working dogs, control room operations and other security services. We play a vital role supporting the Defence Mission and work to protect the defence estate and personnel from crime, terrorism, espionage and sabotage threats.

The MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and employs over 2,500 staff. MGS Officers are often the first point of contact with the MOD for employees, visitors and contractors and we pride ourselves on our professional, customer-focused culture.

All our Security Officers are required to have excellent customer service skills and must be willing to go above and beyond to support security operations across the defence estate. Due to the high profile and strategic locations of the sites we guard, it is essential our Security Officers have a strong work ethic, are able to work as part of a team, are observant to threats and are capable to challenge and de-escalate difficult situations if required. We also require our Security Officers to have good written and verbal communication skills. Our Officers must have resilience and remain positive and friendly in all weather conditions and on all occasions.

We provide our staff with a market leading salary, excellent sickness benefits, together with a defined benefit civil service pension. Free full uniform will be provided.

We are a growing organisation with opportunities for good quality staff to progress their security careers.

The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities and from all types of working backgrounds.

See more information about the MGS, please read the candidate pack and watch our Security Officer YouTube video

About MGS

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) is a professionally qualified body of Civil Servants who provide unarmed guarding services at over 100 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. The MGS plays a vital role supporting the Defence Mission and works closely with its security partners

The MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and  employs over 2,500 operational and support staff. The MGS is managed by a Head Office team, dispersed strategically around the country.

MGS officers are very often the first point of contact with the MOD for employees, visitors and contractors and we pride ourselves on a customer-focused culture, working to DIO’s Values as well as our own core values of honesty, integrity, professionalism and efficiency.

We are passionate about the services we deliver and work hard to keep pace with developments in the security industry, as we seek to be the unarmed  guarding provider of choice. The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities.

Person specification

Main Responsibilities

The key duties of a Security Officer are as follows.

Please note that these duties can vary from site to site.

  • Controlling vehicular and pedestrian access and exit to/from site
  • Issue of passes using site IT systems
  • Reporting of environmental issues
  • Issue and receipt of keys
  • Patrolling on foot and in a vehicle
  • Searching of vehicles, baggage, personnel, buildings and open areas
  • Escorting visitors
  • Traffic management
  • Checking identity on site (ad hoc)
  • Writing reports on breaches of security or defects and maintaining daily logs
  • Referral of complaints
  • Reporting MGS infrastructure defects
  • Dealing with demonstrators and intruders as directed by those holding operational control
  • Safeguarding classified information and material
  • Cooperating with other security providers
  • Collaborating with emergency services and invoking emergency procedures
  • Operating and monitoring security systems; CCTV and alarms etc
  • Operating and communicating effectively over the telephone and/or radio
  • Reporting safety hazards and accidents in accordance with current instructions
  • Carrying out, if required, initial action at the scene of any incident
  • Other tasks commensurate with the grade

Travel Requirements

Where close area working arrangements are in place staff may be required to attend other sites within their travel to work area (one hour from their home) on a detached duty basis.

Desirable Experience & Skills

A background, qualification or interest in the delivery of site security and/or customer service will be an advantage.


Full UK Driving licence due to post requirements.


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Leadership
  • Managing a Quality Service
Alongside your salary of £27,050, Ministry of Defence contributes £7,303 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

We enable our people to work at the right place, with the right people, at the right time.

We believe that if we look after our people, they will be passionate about delivering great things for our customers.

We understand the importance of life outside of work and our industry leading flexible working practices, digital technology and modern workspaces will give you the opportunity to enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

The MOD Discover My Benefits page lists the full set of benefits. Some of the many benefits you will receive include:

  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Free Uniform
  • 25 days annual leave rising (1 day per year) to 30 days upon completion of 5 years’ service
  • Ability to roll over up to 10 days annual leave per year
  • Minimum of 15 Days Special Leave in a rolling 12-month period to for volunteer military or emergency service reserve commitments
  • Special Paid Leave for volunteering up to 6 days a year
  • Enhanced parental leave
  • Employee Assistance Programme to support your wellbeing
  • Most sites have good travel links with free car parking; many also have other facilities such as a Sports & Social Club, Gym and / or site shops

This post does not offer any assistance with relocation allowances.

Please be advised that the Department is conducting a review of all pay related allowances which could impact on those allowances that the post currently being advertised attracts.

This vacancy is part of the A Great Place to Work for Veterans initiative, Making-the-civil-service-a-great-place-to-work-for-veterans

Learning & Development

  • Professional and Personal Development of skills
  • Access to thousands of training courses through Civil Service Learning, some free or paid by DIO
  • Ability to obtain industry recognised qualifications supported by DIO

Employment Hours

48 hours gross (including breaks). You will normally work 48 hours per week including a daily meal break (43 hours net). This will normally be 4 x 12-hour shifts or 5 x 9.6-hour shifts between the hours of 0600hrs and 2200hrs over the 7-day period, as stipulated by the shift pattern agreed at the Unit depending on site requirements. This will include being rostered in a flexible manner (termed a flexible week) within the shift roster. During the flexible week, the working days and shifts will routinely be stipulated in advance but may be changed at short notice (this should be no less than 48 hours).


MGS applicants are required to attend a medical appointment to undertake a colour perception test.

MGS applicants are required to attend a medical appointment to undertake a colour perception test. Operational staff at RAF Flying Stations and Royal Navy Dockyards are also required to undertake a hearing test’

About DIO

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is the estate expert for Defence, supporting the armed forces to enable military capability by planning, building, maintaining, and servicing infrastructure.

Our responsibilities include:

  • Plan and deliver major capital projects and lifecycle refurbishment
  • Provide utilities services
  • Manage soft facilities management (i.e. cleaning and catering)
  • Provide a safe place to train
  • Allocate Service Families Accommodation
  • Procure and manage routine maintenance and reactive repair
  • Provide a central register of asset information to advise infrastructure planning
  • Act as steward of the Defence estate
  • Provide the unarmed guarding service

We employ approximately 4,900 staff from a very diverse range of professions, and we work across the world; in Germany, Cyprus and the Falkland Islands, Norway, Poland, Kenya, Belize, Nepal and Oman.

You can view our YouTube video to see more about our work

DIO – Ministry of Defence Guard Service – Security Officer Supervisor Day Working

BRNC Dartmouth, Devon, TQ6 0HJ

Job summary

Join the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and have a future that matters: Be proud; Be challenged; Be unique.

Job description

The Challenge

Do you want to join the 2021 Government Security team of the year and be part of our Gold Standard security service?

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) provides high quality security services at approximately 100 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. We provide access control, military working dogs, control room operations and other security services. We play a vital role supporting the Defence Mission and work to protect the defence estate and personnel from crime, terrorism, espionage and sabotage threats.

The MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and employs over 2,500 staff. MGS Officers are often the first point of contact with the MOD for employees, visitors and contractors and we pride ourselves on our professional, customer-focused culture.

All our Security Officers are required to have excellent customer service skills and must be willing to go above and beyond to support security operations across the defence estate. Due to the high profile and strategic locations of the sites we guard, it is essential our Security Officers have a strong work ethic, are able to work as part of a team, are observant to threats and are capable to challenge and de-escalate difficult situations if required. We also require our Security Officers to have good written and verbal communication skills. Our Officers must have resilience and remain positive and friendly in all weather conditions and on all occasions.

We provide our staff with a market leading salary, excellent sickness benefits, together with a defined benefit civil service pension. Free full uniform will be provided.

We are a growing organisation with opportunities for good quality staff to progress their security careers.

The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities and from all types of working backgrounds.

See more information about the MGS, please read the candidate pack and watch our Security Officer YouTube video

About MGS

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) is a professionally qualified body of Civil Servants who provide a range of security services at over 160 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. The mission of the MGS is to protect Defence from threats including crime, terrorism, espionage and sabotage.

The MGS employs over 2,700 security officers and support staff. Our security services include a large Military Working Dog (MWD) division with 11 units across the country, Control Room Operations, Static and Mobile security duties including access control, visitor access, traffic management, and foot patrols.

We are passionate about the services we deliver and work hard to keep pace with developments in the security industry. The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities.

Person specification

Main Responsibilities

  • Supervise all Security Officers on shift at the Unit, deploying them to cover tasks as laid out in Assignment Instructions and in accordance with the Joint Business Agreement/GSSOR
  • Supervise Security Officers to protect people, property, information, and assets from damage, destruction, or unauthorised removal from the Unit.
  • Operate security systems in line with standard operating procedures
  • Align assigned team(s) of Security Officers to protect property or information against compromise, destruction, or damage, maintaining integrity of performance through effective management, encouraging a positive and inclusive working environment, addressing concerns in a timely and sensitive manner
  • Respond appropriately to security concerns raised, including by third parties, and work with the first responder to incidents
  • Where required, cover CSO5 Guarding tasks including providing meal break relief.
  • Daily Supervision and admin of the Roster, as delegated by the OM, managing the administration of abstractions and keeping the OM appraised on any issues with the rosters or general operations at the Unit.
  • If located within a reasonable travelling distance of other MGS Units then the Supervisor will visit these Units at a frequency agreed with the Operations Manager to provide Supervisory support and visit Staff and customers accordingly.
  • Writing reports on breaches of security or defects and maintaining daily logs
  • Referral of complaints
  • Supervising and Operating and monitoring of security systems; CCTV and alarms etc
  • Operating and communicating effectively over the telephone and/or radio
  • Liaise with Unit HOEs and Customer representatives and other Security providers to ensure a high-quality Security service is provided. Building positive relationships with all stakeholders.
  • Assist the Operational Manager in ensuring that the Unit is compliant with NSI and all documents, policies and processes are kept up to date.
  • Other tasks commensurate with the grade

Travel Requirements

Where close area working arrangements are in place staff may be required to attend other sites within their travel to work area (one hour from their home) on a detached duty basis.

Desirable Experience & Skills

A background, qualification or demonstrable interest in the delivery of site security and/or customer service will be an advantage


Full UK driving licence due to post requirements.


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Leadership
  • Managing a Quality Service
  • Communicating and Influencing

We only ask for evidence of these behaviours on your application form:

  • Leadership
  • Managing a Quality Service
Alongside your salary of £27,474, Ministry of Defence contributes £7,417 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

We enable our people to work at the right place, with the right people, at the right time.

We believe that if we look after our people, they will be passionate about delivering great things for our customers.

The MOD Discover My Benefits page lists the full set of benefits. Some of the many benefits you will receive include:

  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Free Uniform
  • 25 days annual leave rising (1 day per year) to 30 days upon completion of 5 years’ service
  • Ability to roll over up to 10 days annual leave per year
  • Minimum of 15 Days Special Leave in a rolling 12-month period to for volunteer military or emergency service reserve commitments
  • Special Paid Leave for volunteering up to 6 days a year
  • Enhanced parental leave
  • Employee Assistance Programme to support your wellbeing
  • Most sites have good travel links with free car parking; many also have other facilities such as a Sports & Social Club, Gym and / or site shops

This post does not offer any assistance with relocation allowances.

Please be advised that the Department is conducting a review of all pay related allowances which could impact on those allowances that the post currently being advertised attracts.

This vacancy is part of the A Great Place to Work for Veterans initiative, Making-the-civil-service-a-great-place-to-work-for-veterans

Learning & Development

  • Professional and Personal Development of skills
  • Access to thousands of training courses through Civil Service Learning, some free or paid by DIO
  • Ability to obtain industry recognised qualifications supported by DIO

Employment Hours

This is a full-time working position Monday – Friday, 48 hours gross, 43 hours net based on full time, exact working pattern will be explained during interview. This job also allows Flexible working Hours.


MGS applicants are required to attend a medical appointment to undertake a colour perception test

About DIO

DIO is passionate about ensuring that we are a top performing organisation and a great place to work. We host a diverse range of talent where everyone feels valued and supported enabling our people to thrive, bring greater creativity and innovation to achieve higher organisational performance. We are committed to be an equal opportunities employer and creating a culture where everyone can bring their whole self to work and individuality is truly appreciated.

This culture of inclusion is underpinned by our 6 staff networks covering Disability, Faith and Belief, Gender Equality, LGBTQ+, Race, Social Mobility and 3 networks dealing with employee wellbeing and support: Speak Safe Volunteers, Mental Health First Aiders and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Advisers.

Our staff, future and current will be guided by the 4 Cs and we encourage you to be curious and continuously strive for improvement, collaborative in an inclusive culture, ambitious and resilient and committed to Defence, empowered and able to challenge so you can play a key part in shaping the direction of our organisation.

DIO commits to offer its employees the following experience: 

  • Meaningful, purposeful work
  • The ability to learn and grow
  • The right opportunities and resources
  • To care about your wellbeing
  • To feel valued and included

Our responsibilities include:

  • Plan and deliver major capital projects and lifecycle refurbishment
  • Provide utilities services
  • Manage soft facilities management (i.e. cleaning and catering)
  • Provide a safe place to train
  • Allocate Service Families Accommodation
  • Procure and manage routine maintenance and reactive repair
  • Provide a central register of asset information to advise infrastructure planning
  • Act as steward of the Defence estate
  • Provide the unarmed guarding service
  • The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is the estate expert for Defence, supporting the armed forces to enable military capability by planning, building, maintaining, and servicing infrastructure.

We employ approximately 4,900 staff from a very diverse range of professions, and we work across the world; in Germany, Cyprus and the Falkland Islands, Norway, Poland, Kenya, Belize, Nepal and Oman.

You can view our YouTube video to see more about our work

Security Of Navigation Stabilisation, Advice and Training (SONSAT) Manager


Job summary

The Defence Security of Navigation Stabilisation, Advice and Training (SONSAT) Manager plays a pivotal role within a challenging, rapidly changing maritime domain.  Within the context of HMG’s ‘Global Britain – the Integrated Review Refresh, the National Strategy for Maritime Security, UK Integrated Security Force and MOD’s Integrated Operating Concept 2025, they are required to manage UKHO’s unique range of expertise in global maritime domain awareness, understanding and influence.

Reporting to the Defence Operations and Partner Engagement Manager, the post holder will be responsible for collaborative UKHO Safety and Security of Navigation (SASON) decision support on behalf of STRATCOM and other designated government departments’ programs relating to safe, secure, and sustainable seas.  Supporting national resilience and regional stability.  In accordance with UKHO’s Corporate Plan (Defence and Public Task) and JSP465 (Defence Geospatial Intelligence Policy).

The post holder will also manage the SONSAT capability development of the Allied Worldwide Navigational Information System (AWNIS) outputs across the national and international SASON stakeholder community, including NATO (primary) and wider international (secondary) partners.

Continuous engagement across the SASON stakeholder community is vital to ensuring HMG, OGD & UKHO Corporate Plan and strategic priorities are met. The post holder will be placed in a senior role within this community, requiring them to manage, lead and coordinate UKHO’s SASON decision support delivery.


Hybrid Working

The SONSAT capability are in office for a minimum of 3 days per week.  Hybrid working is supported and coordinated through the management chain.

There will be an initial period of 4 weeks training in office, there will be a period of continuation training of between 6 – 12 months, validated through a process of continuous assessment of the post-holder’s experience, knowledge, skills, and attitude.

Job description

As SONSAT Manager you can expect to: 

  1. Manage SONSAT & AWNIS capability in accordance with MOD direction and UK StratCom’s Geospatial Requirements Group (GRG) process. 
  2. Responsible for the management of UKHO’s SASON decision support information hub (i-Hub), maintaining and reinforcing existing stakeholder relationships, identifying opportunities to engage more widely & effectively, building in resilience and sustainability to meet rapidly evolving maritime domain requirements
  3. Accountable for the delivery of UK StratCom’s Multi-Domain-Integration operational planning process at all stages (pre-deployment, deployment & post operations stabilisation) in the context of the Integrated Review sub-conflict environment – Freedom Of Navigation (FON) operations.
  4. Responsible for periodic capability review in line with end-user requirements. In accordance with Defence and wider HMG Policy, maintain currency and credibility by monitoring changing Maritime Domain Awareness / Integration / Understanding objectives.
  5. Manage the development of integration between UKHO and AWNIS operational capability providers to develop the sub-conflict ‘always on’ requirement to collect hydrographic SASON information / data using the AWNIS Navigational Information Cycle.
  6. Responsible for developing AWNIS doctrine (AHP-1 & 1.1) and associated publications to meet evolving operational requirements on behalf of GBR & NATO through engagement with the NATO Publication Working Group, RN Operational Advantage Centre / Maritime Warfare Centre / Joint Effects & NATO Shipping Working Group.
  7. Manage the standards for UKHO’s SONSAT incorporating AWNIS training outputs in accordance with MoD’s training policy

Person specification

Please note that we will only score against the sift and interview criteria and not the essential and desirable information below. 

The post holder will need: 

  • Direct Vetting clearance or capable of achieving such. 
  • An understanding of HMG PAG, Joint Defence, RN and NATO structures and organisations to include in-depth knowledge and experience of MoD & Intelligence Agency strategy & policy. 
  • Good working knowledge of current UK Defence & NATO Communications Information Systems (CIS) and Defence training policies. 
  • As strong team-work ethic & proven track record as a team player, manager & leader. 
  • Possess the confidence to prepare and deliver presentations up to 3* level and engage with senior civilian partners from international organisations such as the IHO & IMO. 
  • To be an expert AWNIS practitioner with detailed understanding of Maritime Safety Information Systems, such as GMDSS & NAVTEX. 
  • To be an experienced and proven Defence Training Manager. 
  • A detailed knowledge of World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (WWNWS) & Maritime Safety Information processes. 
  • To have experience of working with predominantly commissioned regular and reserve armed forces personnel. 


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Seeing the Big Picture
  • Working Together
  • Delivering at Pace
  • Communicating and Influencing

We only ask for evidence of these behaviours on your application form:

  • Seeing the Big Picture
  • Working Together
  • Delivering at Pace
Alongside your salary of £45,645, UK Hydrographic Office contributes £12,324 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

At the UK Hydrographic Office, it’s very important to us that our people feel valued.

We offer a huge range of benefits such as training and development, well-being support, flexible/ homeworking, a fantastic state of the art building, high spec equipment, and so much more.

See our attached Candidate Information Pack for more details.

Chief Delivery Officer, Dstl

Porton Down, Salisbury SP4 0JQ or Portsdown West, Fareham PO17 6AD

Job summary

Dstl delivers world-class science and technology with the sole purpose of keeping the UK, our armed forces, security services, and our citizens, safe and secure; we are the science inside UK Defence and Security. Since we were formed in 2001, our talented scientists and technologists have built an enviable reputation for innovating world-class, state-of-the-art solutions in defence and national security. We are able to deploy our inside knowledge and understanding of government to interpret and connect requirements and stakeholders. We bring together lots of different people and a huge range of disciplines. We have significant variety in our projects, roles and opportunities, making every day a day to explore and get excited and we are immensely proud of our inclusive culture that enables our people to thrive, succeed and achieve their real potential in a unique environment.

Job description

The Chief Delivery Officer is accountable for the delivery of the Dstl S&T portfolio – a billion-pound portfolio delivering to the Ministry of Defence, Chief Scientific Adviser, other key MOD customers (including the Front Line Commands) and Partners Across Government. The role holder reports directly to the Dstl Chief Executive and is a pivotal member of the Dstl Board and Executive Team, providing strong and collegiate leadership across the organisation and supporting the drive to have ‘one Dstl’ working together to deliver the highest priority work.

The CDO leads the S&T (Delivery) Divisions to deliver the agreed portfolio of work (in turn aligned with the Dstl Strategy and delivery principles) to provide high impact, innovative and cost effective capability solutions through their programmes and in support of Defence and Security’s highest priority requirements. The role will ensure that the S&T Divisions align with the overall Dstl Strategy and support its delivery, so that the organisation is working collaboratively as ‘one Dstl’ delivering to its customers. The CDO will also work closely with colleagues in MOD Defence Science and Technology (DST).

The CDO leads the Delivery Directorate, with a budget of £980M and indirect management of approximately 4,200 FTE

Person specification

The successful candidate must be able to demonstrate their experience and skills against the following essential criteria:

  • An inspirational, empowering and resilient leadership style, developing capability and motivating people at all levels to create diverse and high-performing teams; role modeling the highest levels of behaviors, safety, security and information management. Confidence and ability to make difficult or unpopular decisions, and tackle performance issues effectively.
  • Agility and flexibility in response to changing priorities and challenges. Experience of leading and delivering complex and large programmes and change effectively.
  • Strong experience, with a measurable track record of taking complex decisions, of proactively managing risks and operating collegiately within complex governance arrangements, moving skilfully between strategic thinking and technical detail.
  • Excellent communication skills with an ability to establish and maintain influential relationships with senior stakeholders.
  • Extensive P3 Portfolio/Programme management experience and ideally formal programme management training e.g. MPLA. Ability to manage the delivery of a complex portfolio of programmes successfully and ideally with experience of managing technical programmes.
  • Strong commercial awareness/experience, with a proven ability to understand, negotiate and influence across a complex, multi-dimensional supply chain and drive delivery and VFM from it.
  • Strong understanding of Safety, security and operational risk in a complex environment, preferably S&T based.
  • Learning and development tailored to your role
  • An environment with flexible working options
  • A culture encouraging inclusion and diversity
  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%

DIO – Ministry of Defence Guard Service – Security Officer Dog Handler – Shift worker

DM Kineton, Marlborough Barracks, Temple Herdewyke, Southam, CV47 2UL; Lower Arncott, Bicester, OXON, OX25 1NZ

Job summary

Join the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and have a future that matters: Be Proud; Be Challenging: Be Unique.

Job description

The Challenge

Do you want to join the 2021 Government Security team of the year and be part of our Gold Standard security service?

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) provides high quality security services at approximately 100 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. We provide access control, military working dogs, control room operations and other security services. We play a vital role supporting the Defence Mission and work to protect the defence estate and personnel from crime, terrorism, espionage and sabotage threats.

The MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and employs over 2,500 staff. MGS Officers are often the first point of contact with the MOD for employees, visitors and contractors and we pride ourselves on our professional, customer-focused culture.

All our Security Officers are required to have excellent customer service skills and must be willing to go above and beyond to support security operations across the defence estate. Due to the high profile and strategic locations of the sites we guard, it is essential our Security Officers have a strong work ethic, are able to work as part of a team, are observant to threats and are capable to challenge and de-escalate difficult situations if required. We also require our Security Officers to have good written and verbal communication skills. Our Officers must have resilience and remain positive and friendly in all weather conditions and on all occasions.

We provide our staff with a market leading salary, excellent sickness benefits, together with a defined benefit civil service pension. Free full uniform will be provided.

We are a growing organisation with opportunities for good quality staff to progress their security careers.

The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities and from all types of working backgrounds.

See more information about the MGS, please read the candidate pack and watch our Security Officer YouTube video

About MGS

The Ministry of Defence Guard Service (MGS) is a professionally qualified body of Civil Servants who provide unarmed guarding services at over 100 MOD sites across Great Britain. The MGS has guarded the Defence Estate for over 25 years including high profile locations such as MOD Main Building in London and His Majesty’s Naval Bases at Portsmouth, Devonport and the Clyde. The MGS plays a vital role supporting the Defence Mission and works closely with its security partners

The MGS is part of the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) and  employs over 2,500 operational and support staff. The MGS is managed by a Head Office team, dispersed strategically around the country.

MGS officers are very often the first point of contact with the MOD for employees, visitors and contractors and we pride ourselves on a customer-focused culture, working to DIO’s Values as well as our own core values of honesty, integrity, professionalism and efficiency.

We are passionate about the services we deliver and work hard to keep pace with developments in the security industry, as we seek to be the unarmed  guarding provider of choice. The MGS holds the Committed to Equality Gold Standard and we positively encourage applications from all under-represented communities.

Person specification

Main Responsibilities

  • Annual Licensing
  • Continuation Training
  • Upkeep of paperwork
  • Using IT facilities
  • Dog Welfare (for all Military Working Dogs on site)
  • Daily upkeep of the Kennels (Disinfecting, sweeping and jet washing)
  • Collaborating closely with Dog Evaluation Officer and Kennel Supervisor
  • Driving MOD vehicles (Crucial for post)
  • Controlling vehicular and pedestrian access and exit to/from site
  • Issuing of passes
  • Issuing and receipt of keys
  • Searching of vehicles, baggage, personnel, buildings and open areas
  • Escorting of visitors
  • Controlling traffic
  • Checking identity
  • Reporting on breaches of security or defects
  • Dealing with demonstrators and intruders
  • Safeguarding classified information and material
  • Collaborating closely with emergency services and invoking emergency procedures
  • Operating and monitoring security systems; CCTV and alarms etc
  • Reporting safety hazards and accidents
  • Carrying out, if required, initial action at the scene of any incident

Travel Requirements

Alongside your normal patrolling duties that will encompass this role, there may be on occasion where you may need to travel to other sites to meet the needs of the Business, however, any taskings of this kind would be carried out in a MOD Vehicle.

Desirable Experience & Skills

A background, qualification or interest in the delivery of site security and/or customer service will be an advantage.


A full UK Driving licence is essential for this role as you will be required to make trips to the local vets and the Defence Animal Centre as well as carrying out
mobile patrols.


We’ll assess you against these behaviours during the selection process:

  • Communicating and Influencing
  • Leadership
  • Managing a Quality Service
Alongside your salary of £30,000, Ministry of Defence contributes £8,100 towards you being a member of the Civil Service Defined Benefit Pension scheme. Find out what benefits a Civil Service Pension provides.

We enable our people to work at the right place, with the right people, at the right time.

We believe that if we look after our people, they will be passionate about delivering great things for our customers.

We understand the importance of life outside of work and our industry leading flexible working practices, digital technology and modern workspaces will give you the opportunity to enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

The MOD Discover My Benefits page lists the full set of benefits. Some of the many benefits you will receive include:

  • Civil Service pension with an average employer contribution of 27%
  • Free Uniform
  • 25 days annual leave rising (1 day per year) to 30 days upon completion of 5 years’ service
  • Ability to roll over up to 10 days annual leave per year
  • Minimum of 15 Days Special Leave in a rolling 12-month period to for volunteer military or emergency service reserve commitments
  • Special Paid Leave for volunteering up to 6 days a year
  • Enhanced parental leave
  • Employee Assistance Programme to support your wellbeing
  • Most sites have good travel links with free car parking; many also have other facilities such as a Sports & Social Club, Gym and / or site shops

This post does not offer any assistance with relocation allowances.

Please be advised that the Department is conducting a review of all pay related allowances which could impact on those allowances that the post currently being advertised attracts.

This vacancy is part of the A Great Place to Work for Veterans initiative, Making-the-civil-service-a-great-place-to-work-for-veterans

Learning & Development

  • Professional and Personal Development of skills
  • Access to thousands of training courses through Civil Service Learning, some free or paid by DIO
  • Ability to obtain industry recognised qualifications supported by DIO

Employment Hours

Full time 24/7 shift working dog handlers required to cover taskings. This is a shift working position. The successful candidate will be expected to work nights, weekends, bank holidays etc. The exact shift pattern will be explained in full during the interview.


MGS applicants are required to attend a medical appointment to undertake a colour perception test.

About DIO

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) is the estate expert for Defence, supporting the armed forces to enable military capability by planning, building, maintaining, and servicing infrastructure.

Our responsibilities include:

  • Plan and deliver major capital projects and lifecycle refurbishment
  • Provide utilities services
  • Manage soft facilities management (i.e. cleaning and catering)
  • Provide a safe place to train
  • Allocate Service Families Accommodation
  • Procure and manage routine maintenance and reactive repair
  • Provide a central register of asset information to advise infrastructure planning
  • Act as steward of the Defence estate
  • Provide the unarmed guarding service

We employ approximately 4,900 staff from a very diverse range of professions, and we work across the world; in Germany, Cyprus and the Falkland Islands, Norway, Poland, Kenya, Belize, Nepal and Oman.

You can view our YouTube video to see more about our work

Enquire now

The first step in our joining process is to submit your CV. This will be read to determine the appropriate joining route and you will then be sent an email with a link to the relevant application form.

  • Please upload your CV here