
LMS Security

Our consultants are seasoned operational Security professionals and we provide our experience to drive the performance and value you need from your Security Investments.

We provide a no-nonsense approach for all our clients, delivering usable Management Information, not data. We support all decision making with evidence and our experience so you can have full confidence in our solutions.

Read more about LMS Security on their website HERE:

Vicon Industries Ltd

Vicon Industries Ltd are working toward a single mission – to serve as a valued security technology partner to you, by making your jobs simpler and less stressful in every way we can.

Vicon is a global leader in advanced security and surveillance technology to safeguard businesses, schools, municipalities, hospitals and cities across the world. We specialize in engineering complete security solutions that simplify deployment, operation and ongoing maintenance.

Read more about Vicon Industries Ltd on their website HERE:

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