Page 11 - the SyI Quarterly V3 digital (1)
P. 11

Protecting the Public and COVID-19 – A View

           From The Regulator

           Ian Todd, Chief Executive of the SIA provided an update on the regulator’s
           response to the COVID-19 emergency. As the country enters into an
           extended period of lockdown he shared his observations on how the
           industry has risen to the challenges in these unprecedented times. The
           current COVID-19 pandemic has presented new and unexpected challenges
           on the private security industry. Private security professionals and the
           industry at large have worked to ensure critical services remain open
           for business, supporting their customers and continuing to operate as a
           business during this crisis.

                   Fever Screening – Does it Have a Role to Play?

                                                    In collaboration with industry leaders in security services, G4S, this
                                                    informative CPD seminar explored fever screening in more detail. Our
                                                    panel of experts discussed how to implement a screening process, key
                                                    considerations as well as the limitations through lively debate. Taking the
                                                    necessary preventative measures to maintain staff wellbeing has never been
                                                    more important. Fever screening has quickly emerged as one possible aid
                                                    to the efforts in identifying individuals suffering from elevated temperature
                                                    – one possible virus symptom. What is it? How does it work? How could it
                                                    be deployed? What are the limitations? These are just some of the common
                                                    questions. We offered some guidance in this webinar. It’s important to issue
                                                    clarity in this area.

           How Will Global Crisis Change the Way Security

           Services Are Delivered

           Hosted by Rick Mounfield CSyP FSyI and TrackTik Vice President for the
           Security Industry - Mark Folmer FSyI, this webinar discussed how in the
           face of COVID-19, there has been a sudden shift in the demand for security
           services—to the point where security personnel are now, most likely, the
           first person you interact with when you go to grocery stores, pharmacies or
           hospitals. The webinar included a panel of challenging debate, made up of
           Philip Ingram MBE, Darren Carter, Marc Bannister and Rick Mounfield.

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