Page 13 - the SyI Quarterly V3 digital (1)
P. 13

What has come out of the Membership Matters Advisory Group?

           Like Magistrates Court where all legal cases start before being forwarded on to Crown Court for serious offences, all ideas
           generally start at this group before being progressed on to wider consultation within the Security Institute and finally Board
           consideration through to implementation. There have been a couple of areas which have started as an idea at the MMAG and
           progressed into their own areas of participation. Some of these areas are the Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Mentoring Platform
           and the Professional Development Platform which all now form part of the membership benefits.

           Briefly just to touch on the SIGs, this started as an idea within the MMAG and have now become a home for lots of dedicated
           professionals discussing their areas of expertise. However, the groups are open to all who have an interest in the area or
           considering a shift in careers. If you wish to participate in the various SIGs then contact Becky from the SyI HQ, but there will be a
           revamp on the portal soon with the SIGs having their own dedicated area which you can apply to join.

           Just to round off, the Security Institute is a professional membership organisation which takes pride in not only acknowledging and
           creating standards for the industry but also the time it devotes to listening to the membership. Like everything in life, you only get
           what you put in, but contributing to the various groups makes your membership even more worthwhile. I became a member of the
           MMAG and the Validation Board before I ran for the Main Board, so you can get as much as you put in and joining the MMAG is a
           great way to have your thoughts heard. Contributing to the MMAG will mean you are more informed of the ideas that are currently
           being generated within the Security Institute and what is in the pipeline.

           I would like you to consider if you would like to join the Membership Matters Advisory Group and I really hope to hear your
           thoughts and contributions either via email or on a conference call. If you are interested in participating in the MMAG please don’t
           hesitate to get in touch and when invited to the calls have a think beforehand if there is anything you wish to discuss.

           On a final note, thank you for reading this and to join the group email either myself or Becky O’Dell
  to express your interest in the group and participation in the next conference call, it is open to all
           membership levels and we hope to hear from you soon.
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