Page 13 - the SyI Quarterly 13 - (V4)
P. 13

Know your Institute
  Know your Institute

  A Day with the Hinkley Point C   Some of those that decided to travel west the

           night before and book into the Court were in for
           a real treat. Using the e-mail addresses provided
           by the overnight delegates, Luke Pearce [the HPC
 New Nuclear Build  Security Construction Manager], invited a handful of

           guests onto a twilight tour of the site. This involved
           donning an illuminous suit of personal protective
           equipment and visiting the vast concrete cavern
           that will soon house the nuclear reactor. Prior to the
 Site-Based Security Team  ground tour, there was just enough time to visit the
           security control room and traverse the ‘corridor-of-
           knowledge’ down which all the supply chain Project
           Directors and senior execs are ‘educated’ on the

 - By Frank Cannon CSyP FSyI  behavioural-based security programme employed at

           Once outside, the thunderous storm and rapidly
 “Yes Al, I’d love to co-host The Security Institute at HPC   vanishing light made for an eerie vibe more suited
 again.” So, that was it, the decision to invite the SyI Events   to a Stephen King film set; the rain was pelting
 team to collaborate with Al McBride MSyI, the Accounts   down making the aluminium temporary steps and
 Director from our G4S Security Service Provider [a   polished concrete walkways even more hazardous.
 project long Partner], Simon Martindill —the G4S   Fortunately, the sturdy steel toe capped boots
 Security UK & Ireland Events Manager, and my Hinkley   and rubber coated gloves that Jane Jefferies [our
 Point C construction site security team in a regional   Personnel Security Lead] had provided ensured none
 networking session scheduled for 6th September 2022.   of our goggle-eyed guests did not negatively impact
 This would provide a fantastic opportunity for Al and   our impeccable safety record. The feedback from this
 me to showcase how much our project had moved on   two-hour adventure made it all worthwhile. Well done
 since 2019 when we previous hosted ninety Institute   Luke and Jane as this discretionary effort is what
 members.  makes the HPC high-performing security team a joy
           to be a part of.
 It was of course necessary to seek permission from our
 executive to bring so many visitors onto the new nuclear   The next morning saw Angela Vernon-Lawson CSyP
 build site, the largest construction site in Europe, but   FSyI, the SyI acting Chief Operating Officer, and
 this was waived through without hesitation; just another   Becky Bills from the SyI Events team preparing to
 sign of the confidence and respect the Security function   receive our members whilst, in the background,
 has across our leadership. The HPC culture is to share   Simon Martindill and Noah Price, the Director of the
 experience and seek learning wherever you can, so   G4S Global Academy, were rehearsing the running
 to invite a considerable body of experienced security   order for the day. The Cannington Court facility
 professionals to a knowledge-sharing event was a no-  management team and Al McBride were also busying
 brainer.   themselves crossing the tees and dotting the ‘eyes’ (if
           you get what I mean).
 The day started at our 17th Century Court and walled
 gardens situated at the heart of the rural village in   It was Simon who kicked the show off, “Hello ladies
 Cannington, nestled under the protective shield of the   and gentlemen, welcome to the Hinkley Point C
 Quantocks Hills in West Somerset – just a few miles   security conference sponsored today by G4S Security
 south of the mega-construction site itself. The Court   Services UK & Ireland. There are no planned fire drills
 boasts a fantastic amphitheatre, which was to play host   …” well, you know the rest.
 to our conference, beautiful courtyards and gardens,
 and two dozen ensuite bedrooms.

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