Page 53 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
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                                                                                                                                         £999 +VAT

                                                                                                                                        Providing learners with an introduction to key ideas, techniques and issues central to
                                                                                                                                        professional security management. This course offers learners an understanding of policy,
                                                                                                                                        best practice and legislation associated with security management principles, including
                                                                                                                                        health and safety, asset protection and information security.

            ACCREDITED SECURITY                                                                                                         From discussing the formation of risk, to analysing potential causes and prevention of   PATHWAY TO
                                                                                                                                        crime; this course is a must for supervisors or those seeking to make that move.
                                                                                                                                        This six month course consists of six modules; three of which are
            MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS                                                                                                   mandatory and three are chosen from optional modules. Modules include:       SUCCESS

                                                                                                                                        CORE MODULES                   ELECTIVE MODULES                              Whatever your current
                                                                                                                                        Introduction to Security Management  Health & Safety / Retail Security / Strategic
                                                                                                                                        Security Department Management  Security / Physical Security / Terrorism Awareness   skill level, the Security
          The Security Institute is the                                   BTEC LEVEL 3 CERTIFICATE                                      Information Security           and Management /  Risk, Crisis and Disaster   Institute provides a
          largest association in the UK for                             This qualification will benefit anyone seeking                                                                                                 training route suitable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for progression within
          security professionals and offers                              professional recognition and accreditation                      BTEC LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA IN SECURITY MANAGEMENT                                  the security industry.
                                                                        within the security sector.
          news, networking, events and                                  Open to anyone who operates within the                          £1,630 +VAT                                                                  Our qualifications are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     recognised by Portsmouth
          unique validation of experience                               private or public security sectors.                             This course provides learners with a broad understanding of how security theory works  University, Bucks New

          highly valued by employers                                      BTEC LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA                                          with best practice to form successful security initiatives in the workplace. This enables   University and the University
                                                                                                                                        learners to explore a host of theoretically founded concepts and to introduce their own
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of South Wales, enabling

          and clients.                                                  This qualification is designed for                               ideas and experiences to scenarios related to the workplace.                 learners to progress to
                                                                        practitioners who have experience in                            From identifying issues and understanding ideas about the risks to causes and  either a full Degree or MSc.
                                                                                                                                        prevention of crime, this is the ultimate security manager’s course.
          We promote and encourage continued professional               security management and now wish to
          development through education. In collaboration               achieve professional recognition and gain                       The course consists of five modules spread over a twelve month duration.
          with the Institute’s education partner, PerpetuityARC,        an accredited security qualification.                            COURSE MODULES
          we offer an award winning accredited eLearning                 Suitable for those in middle and senior                         Understanding Security / Threats to Security / Risk Management / The Legal System /
          pathway from Level 3 through to Level 7 for those             management level positions.                                     Management
          wishing to enhance their professional security
          management skills.                                                                                                            IQ LEVEL 7 ADVANCED DIPLOMA IN SECURITY MANAGEMENT
                                                                         QNUK LEVEL 7 ADVANCED DIPLOMA
          PerpetuityARC is at the forefront of security                                                                                 £1,860 +VAT
          management training provision in the UK and                   In this ever-growing global market, linked
          has a unique background in security research                  with many other areas of development, this                      This eLearning course set at Masters level, provides learners with the opportunity to   For more information on
                                                                                                                                        research, analyse and explore a specialist area of their own choosing within the security
          and education. PerpetuityARC’s trainers and                   qualification will appeal to practitioners in                    management sector. It uncovers core theory with accompanying methodologies and   any of the courses please
          management team are all highly qualified                       international security and risk management                      equips learners with the skills to think critically - a much sought after skill for today’s  contact PerpetuityARC who
          and recognised experts in their fields.                        who are striving to embrace modern                              security professional.                                                       will be happy to answer any
                                                                        approaches to their line of work.                                                                                                            of your questions and assist
          Our eLearning courses are recognised throughout                                                                               From looking at core texts with a critical-eye, to extracting theory from best practice  you with selecting the course
                                                                                                                                        through to developing specialist knowledge in a niche area, this online course takes the
          the industry and offer you the opportunity to study             MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS                                            study of Security Management to the most advanced level.                     that is right for you.
          at a time and place of your choice as you continue
          in your career. Each qualification is accredited               Professional Credibility / Special Offers /                      The eLearning course consists of three modules spread over a nine month duration.  0845 838 7221
          through internationally recognised awarding bodies.           Lobbying & Development / Mentoring /                            COURSE MODULES                                                     
                                                                        Member Discounts / LinkedIn Group /                             Critical Thinking and Critical Writing Skills / Research Methods and Project Proposals /
          You will be eligible for FREE Student membership              Career Development (CPD Scheme) /                               Conducting Research and Projects                                   
          whilst you are studying.                                      Networking / Newsletter / Special Interest
                                                                        Groups / Events & Masterclasses /
                                                                        Annual Conference
                                                                                                                                                                              1 The Courtyard, Caldecote,       /company/the-security-institute/
          024 7634 6464                                                                                                                                                       Warks, CV10 0AS                   @SyInstitute
                     ALL SECURITY INSTITUTE COURSES ARE                                                                                  024 7634 6464                     @thesecurityinstitute
                          DELIVERED BY OUR EDUCATION PARTNER                                                                               Security Institute

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