Page 57 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
P. 57

Do we need a structured

                            Career Development

                   Pathway for Trainers in our


                                             David Brook MSyI

         David Brook MSyI is the current chair of the SEATS Special
         Interest Group and has a proven track record of Education
         and Training.

         As the first and currently only Chartered Teacher working within the
         Private Security Industry (PSI), I am often asked my views about the
         standard of trainers within our sector and whether there needs to be a
         mandatory career development pathway linked to a set of
         professional standards.

         Before I offer my opinion, I wish to make it clear that there are many excellent trainers/facilitators
         in the sector who do not hold any training qualifications. A training qualification does not mean that
         you can teach nor does the absence of one mean you cannot teach.

        However, as a sector seeking alignment with National Occupational Standards (NOS) I do believe
        that there is a need to look more closely at this issue and consider how we develop those who
        have the responsibility to train our workforce.

        Do we need a structured career development pathway for trainers in our sector?

        To add some context and support my own view I intend to refer to empirical research I
        conducted for my MA in Education, Extremism, and Cohesion (a link to this research can be found
        in the Security Institutes/SEATS Sig Library).

        In doing so I wish to make it clear that any opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect
        those of my employers or The Security Institute.

        In 2021, I conducted a critical review of UK policy interventions preventing and countering violent
        extremism and their impact on community safety and the implications for training within the PSI.

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