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WHAT COUNTS AS CPD ACTIVITY? ■ INFORMAL learning, such as committee work, writing presentations, papers,
Virtually anything you do mentoring, research etc. often aimed at
educating or supporting the development
that results in you learning of others. REGISTER OF
more about security and/or There are lots of ideas of what counts as CPD CHARTERED SECURITY
management will count for Activity within our Toolkit. PROFESSIONALS
HOW DOES CPD WORK? The Register of Chartered Security
What works for you will inevitably be different to Professionals is a qualification recognising
other members. We understand the varied The CPD Scheme cycle runs from 1st January personal ability and competence which allows
SECURITY INSTITUTE activities undertaken by everyone, and to 31st December each year (pro-rata for confidence in the highest standards of service.
therefore recognise a diverse range of activity,
those joining the scheme part way through the
which is grouped into:
CONTINUING ■ FORMAL learning, including member year). Once you reach 36 points, be sure to Admittance to the Register demonstrates to
clients, employers, peers and the public an
submit your CPD Toolkit, where it will be verified
ability to deliver quality results, compliance
and you will receive a Certificate of Completion.
events, seminars, conferences, courses and
PROFESSIONAL qualifications, all of which can be provided by Each year you start a new spreadsheet designed with a Code of Conduct, a professional
Disciplinary Code and a commitment to
the Security Institute or other organisations.
Continual Professional Development.
Organisations tend to offer formal CPD.
especially for that year.
for more details and to apply
■ Independent verification of your
■ Prove your ability to deliver quality results
The Security Institute is committed to raising standards in the ■ Confirm you are at the top of your game
security profession and encourages everyone to think about ■ Show commitment to Continual
how they can continue to develop their knowledge and skills. Professional Development
■ Lead by example.
Our CPD Toolkit is open to members and All sorts of development activities are recognised,
non-members to use and is an essential way to including events run by our CPD partners, which
track what you learn about security and management score double points. Look out for our CPD logo: WHO CAN APPLY?
over the course of a year; giving participants a
competitive edge over other practitioners, enhancing Chartered Security Professionals must be
confidence and competence. We challenge you to of undisputed integrity and have a high level of
achieve a minimum of 36 points each year. expertise, operating at a strategic level,
Go to and or the senior end of the operational level of
download the CPD Toolkit to begin! WHY SHOULD I TRACK MY CPD? security practice.
The members-only CPD Mobile App is another ■ Demonstrate how I keep pace with
free-to-use method of keeping up to date with your changes in the security industry
annual CPD activity – you can download it from the
Apple App Store or Google Play Store. ■ Achieve recognition, with my CPD Certificate
of Completion when I reach 36 points
CPD is compulsory for Chartered Security ■ Improve my confidence to achieve my goals
Professionals (CSyP) and Security Institute Fellows THE SECURITY INSTITUTE
(FSyI) – and having at least two years of completed ■ Identify my competencies to become more 1 The Courtyard, Caldecote,
CPD is essential for any Security Institute member employable Warks, CV10 0AS
who wants to upgrade to Fellowship level. ■ Help me get to the TOP of my career. 024 7634 6464
[email protected]