Page 49 - the SyI Quarterly 15
P. 49
                                                                                                                                          WHAT CATEGORY OF CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP IS RIGHT FOR YOUR

                                                                                                                                          There are three different levels of Partnership  - Large, Medium and Small, determined by the number of
                                                                                                                                          employees working in Security within your organisation. All will receive the same benefits from Corporate

                                                                                                                                          Corporate Partners have bundles of memberships included in their agreement with us. If a Corporate
                                                                                                                                          Partner already employs Security Institute Members of any grade, these can be included as part of the CP
                                                                                                                                          bundle – members will retain their existing grade of membership.  Every new person joining the Security
                                                                                                                                          Institute as part of a Corporate Partner bundle will be processed at the Affiliate level of individual mem-
           BECOME A CORPORATE                                                                                                             Each will receive correspondence confirming their Affiliate membership and access to a large range of

           PARTNER OF BRITAINʼS                                                                                                           member benefits offered by the Security Institute.

           LEADING ORGANISATION                                                                                                                            NUMBER FULFILLING A         AFFILIATE MEMBERSHIPS       ANNUAL FEE
                                                                                                                                                           SECURITY ROLE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (INC VAT WHERE APPLICABLE)
           FOR SECURITY                                                                                                                                Between 11-20               £2,800
                                                                                                                                                           More than 250

                                                                                                                                                                                       Between 6 - 10
           PROFESSIONALS                                                                                                                     SMALL         Less than 20                Up to 5                     £925

                                                                                                                                          ¹   When joining as a Corporate Partner partway through the calendar year, the Security Institute will pro-rata your fees for
                                                                                                                                             the remainder of year 1.
                                                                                                                                          2    Where the maximum number of affiliate memberships is taken, additional discounts on subsequent affiliate memberships
                                                                                                                                             is available.
           Help us in our work to                              BENEFITS OF BECOMING A CORPORATE                                           3     Where existing members retain their current level of membership, their annual fees will drop to £125 per person but

                                                                                                                                             must be paid by the Corporate Partner
           deliver quality to the sector,                      PARTNER OF THE SECURITY INSTITUTE                                            5     An individual code of conduct will apply to each applicant and each will be subject to verification by the SyI’s Validation
                                                                                                                                             The fee charged at each category of partnership is based on a standard CP fee of £250 (plus VAT). Affiliate memberships
           value to organisations and                          ■  Use of the exclusive Corporate Partner logo on                             are then charged at a standard rate of £125 (VAT exempt).
           confidence to society                                  your website and company stationary
                                                               ■  Presentation of Corporate Partner certificate

           IF YOU AGREE WITH THESE STATEMENTS                  ■  Confirmation of your Corporate Partner status                            I WANT TO BECOME A CORPORATE PARTNER,
                                                                                                                                          WHAT NEXT?
           THEN CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP IS FOR                    added to the SyI membership and wider network
           YOUR ORGANISATION                                   ■  Inclusion in the Corporate Partner Showcase on                          A Corporate Partnership application comprises;
                                                                the SyI website, including dedicated space in the                         ■  Completed Corporate Partnership Application Form
           ■  We support the Professional Security Community     Virtual Exhibition Area
           ■  We are committed to professional excellence in    ■  Affiliate memberships and further discounts on                           ■  Details of the proposed Affiliate Members
             Security Practice                                  additional applications                                                   ■  Payment of the appropriate fee – an invoice can be requested

           ■  We stand committed to Continuing Professional    ■  Exclusive opportunity to take part in knowledge-                        The Security Institute will complete company checks and take up
             Development for all our security personnel         generation and sharing activities and projects                            references, and may request further supporting information

           ■  We support the development and                   ■  Promotion at Security Institute events, and                             depending on the outcome of the background checks.
             implementation of professional standards across      discounts for bookings                                                  Once completed, the Security Institute will confirm the Date of
             the security sector                                                                                                          Appointment as a Corporate Partner, prepare a Certificate of
                                                               ■  Discounts on Security Institute Qualifications                           Appointment and complete appointment activity.
           ■  We support the mission of the Security Institute                                                                                                                                                        THE SECURITY INSTITUTE
             to ensure that security professionals are         ■  Copies of bulletins, newsletters and press                              It is anticipated that the application process will take 6 – 8 weeks.       1 The Courtyard, Caldecote,
             recognised as being of equal standing to           information from the Security Institute                                   The proposed Affiliate Members will be reviewed by the Validation             Warks, CV10 0AS
             professionals in all other categories within      ■  Advanced access to sponsorship and exhibition                           Board in line with standard operating procedure, and receive                024 7634 6464
             modern organisations                               opportunities                                                             individual confirmation of membership.                                       [email protected]

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