Page 51 - the SyI Quarterly 15
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concerned - and the public at large. Such publicity 3. There is often a reluctance to destroy personal
inevitably has a negative impact on the reputation data that is no longer needed. Record
of any organisation, potentially incurring fines for management policies become of particular
inadequate security measures in the storage of importance as mentioned above, and therefore
personal data, bringing a flood of complaints from periodic housekeeping and destruction of personal
unsuspecting affected parties, and even resulting in data that have expired, are inactive or previously
lawsuits from individuals. acquired and kept for no specific purpose, is
Things get more complicated when hackers proceed 4. A simple and well-tested data breach response
with a triple extortion. This is a scenario, where if the plan should be in place beforehand, including likely
victim does not succumb, the hackers now target the data breach scenarios and corresponding actions
affected individuals themselves since they have their of coordination, for notification to authorities,
personal data and threaten to reveal personal details. communication with individuals affected and other
If this data is sensitive, the extortion success rates stakeholders to ensure transparency about the
increase. incident. It is also of particular importance that
the organisation is able to respond and notify the
If organisations do their homework i.e. their risk incident within 72 hours of the time it comes to
and threat assessment they will be soon aware of its attention, which can be particularly challenging
the consequences they will be facing in case of a when the breach occurs during holidays and
successful Ransomware attack. The engagement of weekends.
sophisticated exploit methods and tools by hackers 5. Finally, many organisations mistakenly fear the
often backed by Artificial Intelligence becomes cost of an in-depth investigation, not realising that
a real challenge for cybersecurity professionals. the investigation will allow them to quantify the
Ransomware as a service becomes a notorious risk to the individuals and thus avoid unnecessary
service for anyone with ulterior motives to engage actions and fines that may sometimes exceed the
such methods to profit. Therefore, in addition to cost of the investigation. A detailed investigation
the imperative cybersecurity measures the need process at a legal, technical and operational level
to implement to protect and prevent Ransomware is considered of particular importance, mandated
attacks, it is recommended that the organization by the GDPR itself, and expected by competent
focuses on increasing its resilience. On the one hand, authorities as part of the principle of accountability
this will limit the damage after a successful cyber- following a data breach.
attack, and on the other hand, it will significantly
reduce the time it takes for the organisation to return Clearly there is no easy way out for an organisation
to normal operations. There are many things that an that has been attacked by Ransomware and has
organisation of any size can and should do. Below are had personal data compromised. The losses in time,
five basic and simple tips to reduce the risk of data resources and reputation can potentially become
breaches and improve resilience: enormous. The process from the moment the incident
is discovered is painstaking and tests the resilience of
1. The volume of personal data is a decisive factor, any organisation of any size to a very high degree.
both in the assessment of potential fines and
in the organisation’s efforts to identify and Drawing lessons from organisations that have been
inform those individuals affected. Therefore, it is affected by Ransomware attacks internationally,
recommended that the amount of personal data invariably forces organisations to up their security
retained be kept to a minimum. game and plan to function at a high resilient state.
2. Encryption is a very important mechanism for Admitting that sooner or later a security incident will
the defence of the organisation, which is also occur and disrupt operations helps the executives
recommended by the actual Data Protection to invest in resilience. A resilient organisation is one
Regulations. Therefore, the organisation should that primarily has the capabilities to respond and the
encrypt the personal data where possible capacity to absorb the consequences of any security
including data in backups and databases. Even if incident. Anticipation, preparation, vigilance and
the data are exfiltrated cannot be used since are coordinated response are elements that increase the
not in readable form. capacity of the organization and remain critical factors
for navigating today’s rising digital threats.