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3769 DA0598 SelectaDNA Eau De Criminal Resize v1.pdf   1   18/10/2023   14:52

                                                                        TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE:
                                                                   NO TRUST WITHOUT CYBERSECURITY!

    DNA SPRAY                                                                               •  Ensure business continuity

                                                                                              and passenger safety
                                                                                            •  Manage compliance based
                    Eau de criminal                                                           on regulations and standards
                                                                                            •  Protect sensitive data

    By SelectaDNA

    The DNA Defence Spray is trusted and
    used by UK Police, and criminals hate it!
    It’s now available to the private security
    sector to protect employees and reduce
    crime. Get DNA-equipped today and
    drive criminals away.

       Advanced Forensic Marking


                                                                               Purpose-built to be the
                                                                               industry’s most comprehensive
                                                                               global security and risk
                                                                               management platform.
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