Page 3 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
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      Note from The Security Institute

      Welcome to the final edition of our Institute Quarterly Magazine for 2023, and what a positive yet eventful
      few months it has been! Our membership engagement has continued to grow, with our 4,765 members
      encompassing a wide range of sectors within both the public and private sectors. This growth has been
      reflected in positive changes to both The Security Institute Board and our Head Office team. In this edition of
      the Institute Quarterly magazine, Julie Nel MSyI provides her first update as Chair of The Security Institute as
      she outlines three priority business strategies moving forward into 2024.

      We also reflect upon six amazing months of events! This includes the Fellows & Young Members Lunch and
      Learn, our attendance at Pride in London 2023, as well as welcoming members to our Becoming Chartered:
      Membership and CSyP BBQ. On the 24th of July, we attended an event to mark International Security
      Officers’ Day, which recognised and celebrated the valuable contribution of those working within this
      profession. We also joined the Women in Security Awards at Shakespeare’s Underglobe Theatre in London
      to celebrate positive women role models within the security industry. We organised the prestigious Register
      of Chartered Security Professionals’ 12th annual dinner, which acknowledges those new to the Register as
      well as those celebrating their 10th year as a Chartered Security Professional. We have also attended
      numerous exhibitions over the last few months, and would like to thank all members, exhibitors, and visitors
      who came along to meet us.

      Our biggest event over the last few months was our Annual Conference, that was held on Thursday 26th
      October 2023 at 1 Wimpole Street in London.  We are honoured and proud that our Royal Patron, Her Royal
      Highness The Princess Royal graciously agreed to attend this year. All attendees received a full-day itinerary
      that included networking opportunities, industry expert guest speakers who delivered topical conversations
      and debates, as well as an exhibitor’s room that provided opportunities for our members to ask questions
      with leading security business professionals. We are proud to say it was a great day with many highlights.

      Over the last few months, we also proudly celebrated our 50th Member Focus in our ‘eNews’ newsletter. The
      Member’s Focus is a specific summary that focuses on a particular member each week, to explore their
      security career, training and aspirations, with an aim to illustrate the various career pathways available within
      the security field. This is distributed digitally to over 4,000 mailboxes each week. If you would like to write a
      Member Focus to guide other security professionals, please contact

      Since our last magazine, we have also organised numerous popular webinars from our Support Groups and
      Special interest Groups, and hope our members have gained valuable insights from joining these. These
      have come from the Built Environment Security SIG, Protecting People in Crowded Places SIG, Security
      Education, Accreditation, and Training (SEATS) SIG, Counter Terrorism SIG, Artificial Intelligence + New and
      Emerging Security Technology (AI + NEST) SIG, Insider Risk SIG and Young Members Group.

      We have also introduced a new Special Interest Group – Security in Logistics, as well as re-launching and
      merging two SIGs to create a new Special Interest Group called ‘Artificial Intelligence + New and Emerging
      Security Technology (AI + NEST)’. The Security Institute has also welcomed a new Co-Chair to our Young
      Members Group (YMG) – Toni Marie Sheppard ASyI.

      We hope you enjoy our Quarter 3 + Quarter 4 bumper edition of the Institute Quarterly Magazine. This is the
      first time we have released two editions at once, and we have done this to celebrate our Royal Patron, Her
      Royal Highness The Princess Royal graciously agreeing to attend our Annual Conference this year. To mark
      this occasion this magazine includes a five-page feature on this event.

      Finally, we would like to thank everyone within our professional security community who has contributed to
      articles for this edition (as well as previous editions), this has provided valuable insights, industry news, and
      education for our membership. Thank you to all our members for their continued support, as we would like
      to wish everyone a wonderful end-of-year celebrations, as we look forward to an exciting 2024!
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