Page 41 - the SyI Quarterly 15
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A lot of the time, physical security is automatically   of their experience with your brand. So why on earth
       bundled with IT security as one cost center for        are we shoving our access control needs into a deep
       security budget. And in my experience, I’ve seen       dark basement never to be given attention to again?
       upwards of 95% of that one budget going to IT          Isn’t it time to bring in an expert and get the most
       security. This means that physical security leaders are  value out of your system?
       having to fight for that remaining 5% (which can feel
       like pennies).                                         Integrations is how you breathe life into access
                                                              control systems
       It’s time to change (more than) the narrative          In its simplest form, access control is nothing more
       For too long, there’s been a reluctance to invest in   than ‘present a credential (Card, Biometric, Key fob,
       physical security. This can lead to problems that      etc.) and a door opens. That’s it, and many platforms
       increase the organisational risk landscape. The        are designed for this simplicity. For smaller installations
       results of this under-investment are only felt after   this works perfectly fine but when we look at the ever
       incidents occur, and by then the damage has possibly  shifting landscape of medium to large enterprise
       been done in multiple ways—to your people, your        organisations we quickly realise that there is a lot more
       property, and to your brand’s reputation.              potential to create value within the organisation using
       So, if you can show clearly how access control can     access control events as a data point.
       bring more value to the business, before there’s an
       incident, then it helps you validate more budget. If   This is where the ability to integrate and the
       there’s a way to present access control as a business   functionality of a best-of-breed integration become
       enabler, you can help change the view that security is   invaluable. Below are a few common integration
       merely an expenditure. Because a properly designed     examples:
       PACS can have an extensive reach to other parts of     •  Physical Identity and Access Management (PIAM)
       your organisation.                                     •  Video Surveillance Systems
                                                              •  Time and Attendance Systems
       Bringing together various departments, and allowing    •  Building Management Systems
       these parties to utilise and benefit from the control   •  Human Resource Management Systems
       and data being provided, becomes the keystone in       •  Fire Alarm Systems
       bringing physical security to the forefront of worthy
       company investments.                                   As technology continues to advance, it’s important for
                                                              organisations to take advantage of these integrations
       Your access control system should have the ability     to stay ahead of the curve and ensure their facilities
       to integrate, influence, and change the way people     are secure, efficient, and well-protected.
       interact with your organisation. Through Integrations,
       a well-designed access control system can become       I”n an uncertain and rapidly changing threat landscape,
       an asset that allows for insights into how your        organisations can protect themselves with integrated
       business runs on a day to day level. From integrations  security strategies.”
       with HR systems to building management systems,
       and knowing where, when, how and who authorised        With the right integration, organisations can benefit
       a person’s access, becomes a key feature into a        from streamlined processes, enhanced data tracking,
       complete facilities management solution.               and improved incident management, leading to a safer
                                                              and more secure work environment for employees
       “When it comes to all the different systems you use    and visitors alike. It’s why we, at Nedap Security
       to mitigate security risks, they should not be used as   Management, consider our Technology Partner
       standalone systems but to be integrated as one security   Programme, the key to future-proof access control.
       platform.”— Marc Moris, Director Corporate Prevention
       and Protection at Proximus                             Be sure to sign yourself up for our monthly newsletter
                                                              (below), so you can be notified of new content about
       Unless your business is purely digital/online, you will   access control integrations and their specific added
       inevitably deal with people in the physical realm. How   value to your business.
       they interact, are welcomed, and kept safe are a part   By Michael Lee

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