Page 5 - the SyI Quarterly 15
P. 5

Early in June we saw another fantastic event, with our first ever
           Careers Fairs, in support of veterans and serving personnel
           at the Victory Services Club, London. Our guest of honour, as
           many of you will be aware, was our Royal patron, Her Royal
           Highness, The Princess Royal, who gave generously of her
           time and spoke with many in the room and listened to several
           presentations. We hope this event that is an event that will
           endure and grow overtime.

           The Secure Futures programme was launched by the Institute
           in late 2020 in collaboration with the EY Foundation and
           expands upon its #NextGen initiative. The Secure Futures
           programme will support 16-18-year-olds from low-income
           backgrounds to access invaluable experience within the
           security industry, empowering them to consider pursuing
           careers working within the sector. The latest cohort went
           through in London in June and I want to thank Chris Smith CSyP FSyI for all his work in supporting the
           program this year and moving forward. You can read more about this on Page 30-31.

           Well, that time has finally come as I’ve reached the end of my time as chair of the Security Institute and as
           you will have seen in most recently announcements the chair-elect is Julie Nel MSyI who will take over on
           the 24th of July 2023.

           I’ve truly been honoured to have had this role,  it’s a real honour to be involved with a group of fellow
           professional leaders as Directors and Volunteers who give their time freely to contribute to the industry
           for the betterment of our members, to give back to society and contribute to protecting the public. These
           words I echoed when I took on the role at the beginning of 2021, when we were halfway through the

           The institute was heavily involved in the consultation of the ‘Protect Duty’, and a strong advocate for
           ‘Martyn’s Law’ as evidenced when I added my signature on behalf of the Institute to the Government for
           which we received a response from both the Home Secretary announcing the foundational policy for
           Martyn’s Law was being laid before parliament (Dec 22) and later from the  Prime Minister. I think we all
           must acknowledge and applaud Figen Murray ASyI OBE and her tireless campaign.  More recently, I have
           been digesting the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) draft Bill for the last 2 months, with numerous
                                                 seminars and webinars, as well as watch the hearings of the Home
                                                 Affairs Select Committee (HASC) hearing submissions before the
                                                 committee. There is now an expected report back to Government
                                                 over the summer/autumn, before we hope to see the likely
                                                 amended legislation laid before the UK Parliament.

                                                 I’m proud of the work the Security Institute does and the
                                                 contribution it makes, and I know you will support Julie in the same
                                                 way as you have supported me. Many thanks to all of our members.
                                                 I will remain on the Board until the end of the year when I complete
                                                 my term.

                                                 Lastly, to the Head Office team and Angela Lawson as our Chief
                                                 Executive, my sincere thanks for all the support you have given
                                                 me as Chair and of course to the Board, it certainly does not work
                                                 without you all. Thank you!

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