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So where is the starting point? How do we deal with mental health and improve the wellbeing of those
      around us? From experience, self-analysis is important insofar as how to recognise signs or triggers and
      understanding generational pressures – exams, career choices, living independently for the first time, being
      responsible financially and for dependents, the next career step, going to university, or nearing retirement -
      the list of known knowns is endless.

      Mental health is complex and having witnessed it first hand, and watch someone spiralling out of control is
      daunting, frightening and hugely draining. So, for me arranging the “United Together: Let’s Talk about Mental
      Health and Wellbeing in the Security Sector” event supported by Mitie, thanks to Emma Shaw was particularly
      relevant. Bringing together workplace mental health champions, PTSDResolution, ToughEnoughToCare
      (Stuart Bratt and Alex Harrison), Vicki Vidler, Founder and Chair of the Consortium for the Prevention of
      Suicide and Dom C, a frontline officer provided several perspectives. They each spoke candidly of their
      ‘experience’ which led them to standing in the Shard on Monday 22nd May 2023, and answer those
      somewhat impossible questions. We also heard heartbreaking stories from parents dealing with the attempt
      or aftermath of suicide.

      The event was thought provoking in terms of how we, as an evolving industry, need to be more vigilant, more
      aware, prepared and consider the impact mental health has on the quest to be a resilient individual and how
      the workplace can adopt many of the initiatives which are already available.

      The combination of mental health and resilience certainly evokes many questions; however, it is important
      that we are mindful not to pay lip service which will fade over time and to be meaningful in how we deal with
      mental health and promote wellbeing as an industry. We also need to be aware of unconscious bias as it can
      affect the way we approach and deal with such issues; add generational differences, plus the challenge of
      getting through the day-to-day without falling over (metaphorically speaking) is a challenge.

      It takes time to recognise, time disclose and a long time to recover; therefore, people must be at the centre
      of any development. Organisations and individuals require meaningful support to become and retain
      resilience. Goals need to be achievable, ways of working flexible with access to mental health advocacy
      services (in-house or external). Services and information provided by ACAS  is free along with a plethora of
      other agencies who offer advice.

      So as an industry how do we unite together to develop a model and create a footprint which can be adopted
      by all, to enhance sustainability, protect the supply chain and stakeholder interests? Below are several steps
      to creating an accepting environment -
      •  Analytical - consider your thinking and reasoning for change.
      •  Creating - Collaborate with others to develop a process which is people focused!
      •  Implementation - Plan how to launch and inform others of the process – its key to gaining buy-in!
      •  Life v Work Balance - Business requirements need to be met but the quality of life outside of work is
         equally if not more important  for success.
      •  Make Reasonable Adjustments - Educate the workforce to understand mental health and its impact.
      •  Review - we need to know something is working, its key areas of success and its weaknesses.
      •  Identify a Co-ordinator - A point of contact  to maintain changes to legislation, updates to internal policies,
         arrange training including mental health first aiders in the workplace and signposting to legitimate

      Do you have something to contribute to The Security Institute’s ‘Wellbeing’ initiative to start the conversation,
                    then I would like to hear from you. Email: [email protected]

                    Let’s unite and get a tick in the box!

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