Page 25 - the SyI Quarterly 8
P. 25

After completing the Certificate, I took the decision
             to test myself and jumped eagerly into the Diploma
             in Security Management (Level 5), again, with the help
             of the PerpetuityArc team I was happy to successfully
             complete it. For any younger professional reading
             this I would strongly advise both these courses. The
             structure, knowledge and support you get during and
             afterwards are amazing.

             Fast forward a few years, covering the period of
             2016 – 2019, not much happened apart from being
             promoted to Site Supervisor. For various reasons I
             had not renewed my Institute Membership (what a
             mistake and misjudgment that was!).

             Going into 2020, we all know what happened.
             Lockdown was announced on 23rd March. Offices
             shut throughout the country; businesses closed. But
             yet, we, the security team (albeit solo-manning) were
             still at the site 24/7. From March – Jan 2021, I rotating
             between Day / Night Shifts. Resilience was king.
             Working that volume of hours alone is not easy!

             January 2021. After a hellish time of non-stop working,
             despite knowing many many millions had things much worse of course; loss of loved ones, homes,
             jobs. Some reprieve came learning we were being TUPED, saving our jobs – I decided to rejoin the

              In the months since my membership at the Institute has helped me no end, and I for one am
             extremely grateful to each and every person. The advice from members and the HQ staff has been
             amazing. I now have a mentor who is not only a great source of wisdom and experience but a great
             individual to learn from.

             The Special Interest Groups are an amazing resource. A particular shout-out to the Young Members’
             Group Co-Chaired by Ana & Camilla. Looking forward to the first in-person event!

             I am also doing something I never thought I would do – starting University in October at the University
             of Portsmouth on their BSc Risk & Security Management Course.

             For any younger professionals in the industry, I would definitely say to you; believe in yourself, and
             surround yourself with like-minded people who push you to be better!
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