Page 87 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
P. 87

The Register of Chartered Security Professionals 12th Annual Dinner

        On Monday 25th September 2023, we had a wonderful evening at the Register of Chartered Security
        Professionals 12th Annual Dinner.  We would like to thank everyone who attended.

        The evening commenced with a drink reception and a networking opportunity for all attendees. This was
        then followed by a three-course dinner while the speakers for the evening commenced.

        For those CSyP Registrants receiving their certificates and those receiving their 10-year certification pin this
        was a particularly special evening as they had photographs with Baroness Henig CBE DL on the Grand
        Staircase at the start of the evening, and they were also recognised and celebrated during the dinner by
        Registrar Mike Bluestone CSyP FSyI.

        We would like to thank our Guest Speaker for the evening Hannah Wadey who is the Chief Executive for
        Safer Business Network, she provided an insightful and passionate talk about the importance of safety in
        the business community through the ‘Ask for Angela’ campaign.

        Finally, a special thanks to our sponsors The Worshipful Company of Security Professionals, Dallmeier and
        International Security Expo for supporting this event. Their contribution really helped to make this event a
        great success.

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