Page 37 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
P. 37

The Security Institute Events

                                   On arrival, and accompanied by Mr Stuart Shilson LVO DL, Deputy Lord
                                   Lieutenant of London, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal was met by
                                   The Security Institute Chair, Julie Nel; Vice chair, Sarah Austerberry;
                                   the then Interim Chief Executive, Frank Cannon; and the Institute’s Board
                                   Adviser, Bob Martin. Prior to taking her seat for the afternoon session, The
                                   Princess Royal met with several of the conference speakers; a selection of
                                   those who chair The Security Institute’s Special Interest Groups, as well as
                                   selected members of the Institute’s head office staff.

                                   Her Royal Highness then joined the conference and listened to an
                                   informative session from Michelle Russell, the Chief Executive Officer of
                                   the Security Industry Authority, during which she set out how the industry
                                   regulator aims to help prepare the industry to protect our communities and
                                   raise professional standards across the profession.

        This session was followed by Mike Croll who is a Senior lecturer at Buckingham New University. Mike took
        the conference audience on a fascinating and humorous journey of generational communication styles,
        illustrated through music, methods of communication, and the choice of underwear! Whilst satirical in
        nature, Mike and his panel highlighted the diverse styles required when communicating across the genera-
        tions, from the Baby Boomers, through the Millennials and Generation Z, to today’s Gen Alphas.

        When addressing conference delegates immediately after Mike’s panel session. Her Royal Highness  spoke
        to the assembled security professionals with knowledge, empathy, and humour — often having to pause
        to allow the laughter to subside. The fifteen-minute speech proved to be the highlight of the conference
        with The Princess Royal weaving in her obvious understanding of the need to protect those at risk with her
        personal experiences, and those developed whilst supporting her charitable organisations.

        Acknowledgement was also given to the lengths the Security Institute is taking to ensure, that on a broad
        spectrum, including Governmental, it is assisting in the development of standards for the expanding
        professional security sector.

        Before departing, The Princess Royal had the opportunity to meet with some of the corporate partners
        and sponsors of the annual conference.  One highlight was the search dog in training Obi, who was im-
        peccably behaved as they met with Her Royal Highness. The Princess Royal concluded her visit by meeting
        with Stuart Bratt, the founder of ‘Tough Enough to Care’, a suicide prevention charity and the Security
        Institutes chosen charity for this conference; for which a useful sum of £3645 was raised through a raffle
        and auction (

        The conference concluded with Sarah Austerberry CSyP FSyI (Vice Chair of the Security Institute) and Frank
        Cannon CSyP FSyI (the then Interim Chief Executive) providing the membership with an insight and
        opportunity to ask questions around The Security Institute’s future strategy.

        Proceedings closed with a lively and congenial networking session full of rich and meaningful debate
        around the value of predictive analysis and early intervention to stop the domino effect, whilst being
        prepared to deal with the consequences of a successful attack.

        As always, the members left the venue with a smile on their face, the glow of rekindled relationships, and
        the anticipation of returning home safely in the knowledge that they were better people for having
        attended The Security Institute’s 2023 Annual Conference

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