Page 10 - SyI Quarterly - Q3 and Q4 Edition 2023
P. 10

Know your Institute
                     Know   your   Institute

    Young Member Group - Update

    New: Co-Chair - Toni Sheppard

       The Security Institute is pleased to announce the new Co-Chair of its Young
       Members Group (YMG), Antonia Marie Sheppard ASyI. ‘Toni Marie’ will join
       Oliver Lacey in co-chairing this thought leadership group to ensure The
       Security Institute members remain current and communicate in a way
       that resonates with NexGen. The YMG is designed to collaborate with The
       Security Institute Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and offer a perspective
       across a wide range of protective security disciplines, from Counter
       Terrorism to professional security training standards. Knowledge sharing
       across generations will prove critical as we evolve within the security

       Toni Marie is currently a National Security Consultant, specialising in physical
       and remote hostile reconnaissance that identifies emerging and exploitable
       security vulnerabilities from an adversary perspective. Toni Marie was
       awarded a History and International Relations BA (Hons), and an Intelligence and International Security
       MA (Hons) from King’s College London.

       The Security Institute Young Members Group is open to members up to the age of 35 years old, and so if
       you are interested in joining, please log on to the Community Platform.

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