Page 15 - SyI Quarterly 7
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On top of his work leading the #NextGen initiative, Paul has
           also been involved in several other key developments within
           the Institute. Paul is the sponsoring Director for the Institute’s
           Inclusive Security Special Interest Group (IS SIG), supporting the
           co-chairs Anna-Liisa Tampuu ASyI and Lisa Reilly in their efforts
           to provide more opportunities for underrepresented groups
           within the security profession. Furthermore, Paul has also
           supported the work being conducted by the Institute’s Counter
           Terrorism Special Interest Group (CT SIG) as part of the UK
           Government’s PROTECT Duty Consultation.
           Speaking on Paul’s new role, Security Institute Chair Peter Lavery
           FSyI said:

           ‘“Paul is an active member of the Security Institute’s Board of
           Directors and brings with him a long and distinguished law
           enforcement career and more recent commercial experience.
           Paul has impressed us all with his personal determination and
           drive for our Next Generation programme with a clear passion
           for delivering career pathways for young people. Paul brings
           valued experience and skills to the Institute’s leadership team at
           a time of increasing importance for the security profession as we
           consider those issues for the Institute’s strategy and the future.
           Whilst Jonathan is standing down from the Vice Chair role, and
           his valuable contribution, he remains at ‘active’ Board Director
           and currently leading on our ‘Protect Duty’ consultation. I
           look forward to our continuing to work together and his fresh
           perspectives on the many issues the profession and the Institute

           Paul added:

           “I am so proud to have been invited to take up the role of Vice
           Chair of the Security Institute, a position I have accepted.

           I follow in the footsteps of recent incumbents Paul Drury and
           Johnathan Schulten. Thank you both for the foundations you
           have laid for the benefit of our members.
           In the middle of a global pandemic, an economic downturn with
           the added uncertainty and challenges these bring, for me this
           is an exciting time to be taking on this role. Right now young
           people, people from diverse backgrounds and from other
           sectors need to hear loud and clear that the security sector has
           amazing career opportunities.

           Our membership is growing at a fast pace and our special
           interest groups are hosting thought leadership sessions, with
           ever growing influence.   This is a great time to be a member of
           the Security Institute with so many professional development
           I will be championing your cause, helping to influence
           stakeholders for your benefit and help to shape the Security
           Institutes strategy.

           I am keen to hear from our members about what your thoughts
           are on the above subjects, so please do get in touch.”

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