Page 25 - SyI-Annual-Report
P. 25

SyI Mobile App

         Using the same personalised login as the website, all Institute members can access
         many member benefits whilst on the move.  The Security Institute mobile device app
         can be downloaded from the Apple and Google Play stores - a first for membership
         organisations in our industry.

         We continually review and update the application to ensure the best member
         experience, and we continue to integrate more member benefits onto the platform
         seamlessly. This includes our Professional Development Platform and Mentoring
         Platform, members will soon be able to access our new Community Platform on the go

         The CPD Toolkit has been built into the app which allows you to add your CPD
         achievements as you go into your own record of achievement. When you’ve reached
         36 points you will be prompted to submit your record for verification. You can also
         store evidence of your ongoing professional development, like the articles you may
         have read or events you may have attended

         A new development within 2019, was the deployment of push notifications to inform
         Members of a new CSSC message. This helped improve our efforts to ensure that
         our members are aware of the latest security and safety developments as soon as

            Social Media Stats

            As the graphs below illustrate, the past year has been a year of fantastic growth for all our social media channels,
            especially LinkedIn with over 31,000 followers by the end of 2019. These platforms represent the Institute’s
            strong voice within the sector and are increasingly effective tools for us to engage with our membership, and for
            members to engage with each other through the Members-Only LinkedIn group for example - which currently
            has over 1,000 members.

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